Michelle D. Kolozetti Michelle D. Kolozetti

Ready for a Closet Refresh?

Ready for a closet refresh? Here’s my step by step guide!

What does a KonMari Consultant do? I help people declutter and tidy their spaces so that they can live more joyfully and simply, and start living their ideal lives! My organizing philosophy isn’t about “perfect” spaces – it’s about helping you get back what you really want – time! You’ll spend less time looking for things, going out to re-buy things you already have, and wasting time in the vicious cycle of pseudo organizing.


The goals of this Spring Wardrobe Refresh are to help you gain an understanding of how much you have, what you want to keep, and where it goes. If it’s inspiration you want and guidance you need, I’m here to help!


You should set aside a few hours to dedicate to this - don’t rush through it. I love doing my closet on a rainy day so that I don’t feel like I’m missing out on the sunshine and outdoor fun.


Here are a few items you will need before you begin:

  • Clear or Blue recycling bags – for things going to donation.

  • A medium sized cardboard box – for your “Items to try on”.

  • A beverage of choice (I won’t judge).

  • Good music to keep you motivated.

  • Garbage bags – for things that just can’t be re-used.


Step 1 – The Pile

Take out all your clothes and put them on your bed to create “The Pile”. All your clothes – yes, ALL-YOUR-CLOTHES! Everything from your closet, dresser, storage boxes, coat racks, etc. Anywhere you have any item of clothing stored, it has to come out and onto the bed! As you’re taking out the clothes, create mini-piles of like items – pants, t-shirts, jeans, long-sleeved tops, undergarments, etc. Are you surprised by how much you have? Most people are!


Step 2 – Clean

Take this opportunity to clean your space. Vacuum out the recesses of the closet; wipe down the dresser drawers, etc. A deep clean now will mean you can get your wardrobe put back into a pristine space!


Step 3 – Joy-checking – The KonMari magic begins!

Pick up each item of clothing; hold it to your body and reflect on how you FEEL.

Are you smiling? Are you frowning? Focus on feeling, not thinking.

If the item sparks joy, then you should keep it. If not, then you’re going to discard it with gratitude. This item has served its purpose and now it’s time to send it on to bring joy to someone else.  Anything that can be donated, should be put into recycling bags but if it’s too worn or unusable, then it can be discarded. If you find something that you want to keep, but you’re not sure if it fits, pop it into your “try-on-later” box. Don’t interrupt your momentum by trying on things now.  Joy-check and sort all your items, before going on to the next step.


Step  4 – Last Declutter!

Now is the time to go through your “try-on-later” items and see if they spark joy.  Once you do this, you’ll ONLY have clothing that makes you happy! How amazing is that? But, let’s look at the volume of similar items and decide if you need them all.  Do you need 25 white t-shirts, or will 10 do?  How many pairs of jeans do you have and how many do you need? This can be hard, but it’s a good opportunity to thin out items keeping only what you really want!


Step 5 - Putting Things Back

Start with the things that go in your closet. Hang like items together - shirts with shirts; trousers with trousers, etc.  Once all your hanging items are done, move on to the folded ones.  Again, like with like. If you want to try the KonMari fold, you’ll be able to keep all your items standing up so you can take out what you need without moving everything else.  There are videos on YouTube, or message me and I’ll send you printable instructions.  Consider only filling your space to about 80% as it makes taking out and putting back easier.  Be warned - it may mean additional, more stringent joy-checking!


Step 6 – Done!

Congratulations – you’ve finished your wardrobe tidy! 


Two Frequently Asked Questions:


I don’t wear this item, it doesn’t spark joy, but it was so expensive!  How can I just donate it?  I get it – it’s hard to let go of a pricey piece. However, if you can’t or won’t wear it again, and it just hangs in your closet, what returns are you receiving (other than being upset when you see it)?  The simple answer is that the money is spent and keeping it doesn’t give you that money back.  If it was a costly item, you can try and resell it through online apps or local consignments, but, it’s unlikely that you will fully recoup your investment. However, if you can’t let it go right now, then don’t!  Look at it in a few months and maybe the time will be right.


Should I keep things that don’t fit me in case I lose/gain weight?

Again, go back to how these items make you FEEL. If you look at those clothes and become upset or sad, let them go! But if they spark joy, then keep them! The KonMari method is about you and your experience not some arbitrary rules. You look into your closet each and every day – will seeing these items spark joy or not – and are you ok with that feeling? There’s your answer!


If you have specific questions as you refresh your wardrobe, reach out to me through my website, www.simplesanctuaryhomeorganization.com or on Instagram and Facebook @simplesantuaryhomeorg. I’m happy to help!


Remember that the KonMari Method is about living a simplified and intentional life.  Making those initial choices may be hard, but when you look at your clothes every day and see nothing but joy, the hard work will be worthwhile! Happy Tiding!

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